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The Crow and the Pitcher
A CROW perishing with thirst saw a pitcher, and hoping to find
water, flew to it with delight. When he reached it, he
discovered to his grief that it contained so little water that he
could not possibly get at it. He tried everything he could think
of to reach the water, but all his efforts were in vain. At last
he collected as many stones as he could carry and dropped them
one by one with his beak into the pitcher, until he brought the
water within his reach and thus saved his life.
A CROW perishing with thirst saw a pitcher, and hoping to find
water, flew to it with delight. When he reached it, he
discovered to his grief that it contained so little water that he
could not possibly get at it. He tried everything he could think
of to reach the water, but all his efforts were in vain. At last
he collected as many stones as he could carry and dropped them
one by one with his beak into the pitcher, until he brought the
water within his reach and thus saved his life.
The Dog and the Hare
A HOUND having started a Hare on the hillside pursued her for
some distance, at one time biting her with his teeth as if he
would take her life, and at another fawning upon her, as if in
play with another dog. The Hare said to him, "I wish you would
act sincerely by me, and show yourself in your true colors. If
you are a friend, why do you bite me so hard? If an enemy, why do
you fawn on me?'
The Dove and the Ant An Ant, going to a river to drink, fell in, and was carried along in
the stream. A Dove pitied her condition, and threw into the river a
small bough, by means of which the Ant gained the shore. The Ant
afterward, seeing a man with a fowling-piece aiming at the Dove, stung
him in the foot sharply, and made him miss his aim, and so saved the
Dove's life.
the stream. A Dove pitied her condition, and threw into the river a
small bough, by means of which the Ant gained the shore. The Ant
afterward, seeing a man with a fowling-piece aiming at the Dove, stung
him in the foot sharply, and made him miss his aim, and so saved the
Dove's life.
The Miser
A MISER sold all that he had and bought a lump of gold, which he
buried in a hole in the ground by the side of an old wall and
went to look at daily. One of his workmen observed his frequent
visits to the spot and decided to watch his movements. He soon
discovered the secret of the hidden treasure, and digging down,
came to the lump of gold, and stole it. The Miser, on his next
visit, found the hole empty and began to tear his hair and to
make loud lamentations. A neighbor, seeing him overcome with
grief and learning the cause, said, "Pray do not grieve so; but
go and take a stone, and place it in the hole, and fancy that the
gold is still lying there. It will do you quite the same
service; for when the gold was there, you had it not, as you did
not make the slightest use of it."
A MISER sold all that he had and bought a lump of gold, which he
buried in a hole in the ground by the side of an old wall and
went to look at daily. One of his workmen observed his frequent
visits to the spot and decided to watch his movements. He soon
discovered the secret of the hidden treasure, and digging down,
came to the lump of gold, and stole it. The Miser, on his next
visit, found the hole empty and began to tear his hair and to
make loud lamentations. A neighbor, seeing him overcome with
grief and learning the cause, said, "Pray do not grieve so; but
go and take a stone, and place it in the hole, and fancy that the
gold is still lying there. It will do you quite the same
service; for when the gold was there, you had it not, as you did
not make the slightest use of it."
Petra Sawyer
ReplyDeleteHe uses animals to make a point like in the the dog and the hare humans dot really bit each other but dogs do.The connectin is that some people do just like dogs the act different all the time.
Ricardo Rivera
ReplyDeletehe uses animals because cause he wants to show us what we act like animals.
the connection is that dogs dont like everything and people dont either
Mary Wester
ReplyDeleteHe uses animals because they have different problems than humans. If he used humans, we would all relate with the way they act and behave. But animals have different behaviors and challenges, so we get a different point of view and a fresh perspective.
In The Miser, the moral was that sometimes the actual objects are not what appeals to us, but just the fact that we have them. This relates to my life because I have things that I don't have any use for, but I like them because the belong to me.
Syvia Purce
ReplyDeleteI think Aesop mostly uses animals in his story because they are easier to explain an animal doesnt show as many characteristics as a person but they do show feellings just not as many it is easier to discribe an animal.
The story the dog and the hare it conects to my life because it is hard to chose whether you want to be someones friend or just not have anything to do with them at all. the moral of the story, i think, is that you should always show who you really are like the dog would bit her then fawned on her and she didn't know whether he liked her or didn't so the moral is show who you really are and don't play around with people if you don't like them and if you do like them don't act like you don't.
katherine E cortez
ReplyDeleteHe uses animals in his stories because, he is referring that when we have problem and cannot solve them quickly we try every single way on how to solve the problem, just like animals do.
An example would be The Crow and the Pitcher, the crow was very thirsty, so it tried many ways on how to get the water but the crow gave up and still got the water.
Thats how we are, we have a problem, we try every way to solve it, if we do not solve the problem still, we give up but we do something that gets the problem solved.
The author uses animals because they are an easy way to send a message in stories and poems. It relates to my life because it lets me know that when i do something nice for someone i will get it in return like when the dove saved the ant, then the ant saved the dove.
ReplyDeleteMia Haile
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ReplyDeleteEduardo Martinez
ReplyDeleteHe uses animals in his story to show what humans act like. He dosen't want to humiliate anyone so he uses them.
This can like every person becuase like in the Dog and the Hare, some people may act nice to other people. But behind their back they are always making fun of them. They should show how they really act instead of being imposters.
Aesop uses animals in many of his stories to show what humans are like except using animals as the characters.
ReplyDeleteThis story I read,The Dove And The Ant shows how in my life that basically if you treat someone with respect you'll get that back, if not whatever you do to another he will do/treat you
back like that.The moral is to treat others the way you wan to be treated.
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ReplyDeleteXolani Roberts
ReplyDeleteI think Aesop uses animals in his stories because humans and animals have different struggles. In The Crow a human would just drink from a pitcher, but instead the crow has to work to get the water from the pitcher.
This relates to life because if you want something very badly or you need it, you will work for it.
I think he uses animals because animals have very unusual characteritics and actions so maybe hes trying to express personification.
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ReplyDeleterichard ayodele
ReplyDeleteThe crow was very wise he knew that he couldnt get to the water so he put rocks inside so it would rise and he could drink. It is just like if you put ice in your water it rises. Also the moral of the story is the if something doesnt go your way try something different
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ReplyDeletehe uses animals to show that they dont give up just like people dont give up.
ReplyDeleteThe moral is the crow wanted the water so he would not give until he got it.
Just like in life when my mom says i cant play my games because of my grades i try harder to bring them up so i can play.
Vidhi Patel
ReplyDeleteHe uses animals because animals have different issues than humans. If he used humans then they would probably have the same actions. So he uses animals so we can get a different point of view.
My connection is to the crow and the pitcher because the crow tried everything he could do to get water and he didn't give up. I connect to that because if i think something is difficult but i need it severely then i try as hard as i can and i don t give up hope.
Michelle Chan
ReplyDelete- I think that Aesop uses animals because certain animals have personalities that fit for his story. Like in the story "The dog and the hare," when he feels like it, the dog bits the hare and when he doesn't. he plays with the hare. It would be knid of strange if a human was biting a live hare.
- The story "The crow and the pitcher" connects to my life because if I see something that is "too hard," and I give up, I'll never acomplish whatever i was trying to do. But if i try to think of a way to do it, then I might be able to acomplish it. In the story, the bird is really thisty, but his beak is too small to reach the river, so he gathers rocks and drops them one by one into the cup and in the end his thirst is satisfied. If he gave up, he would have probably died.
I think Aesop Uses animals Because animals Have different Challenges in life ,
ReplyDeleteLike in the crow and the pitcher , The Crow Tried everythign he could to get the water And didnt give up , I can sometimes connet to that in life we all have challenges . We cant give up Or well Let someone down Or ourselfs . Like the crow If he didnt work hard to get water he would of Died or Thirst or something .
-katherine M Cortez
I think Aesop uses animals in the stories because it is probably being compared to his real life and the challenges and similarities to stories, such as the CROW, which is a moral about how the crow keeps on trying to get the water in order to live and not perish, or thirst. It would connect with my life with the difficulties and how I get through them by trying.
Leke Ajenifuja,
ReplyDeleteI think that Aesop uses animals because they can be good examples to explain morals with and other things. The story with the crow connects with my life because if i perservere than i can find a way just like the crow thought of putting the rocks in the pitcher to make thewater come up. He had tried some many other thing but none of them worked. Even still he kept on trying
He uses animals in his stories to show animals characteristics are like us humans.
ReplyDeleteThis story connects to my life because when i want something I work for it and I don't expect nothing to appear without my hard work. The moral of the story THE CROW AND THE PITCHER is to work for what you want or what you can earn.
Natalia Duran
ReplyDelete1. Why do you think Aesop uses animal's in many of the stories?
I think he uses animals in his stories becuase he wants to show that animals also are like humans and show there own ways of doing that.
2.Explain how the story connects to your life and the moral of the story.
The story of " The Dove and the Ant" connects to my life by showing that the dove and the ant help each other when they are in danger just like friendship i would help my friend if they needed it and i would be able to help.The moral of this story is that when someone helps you out you should do the same when they need it.
Aesop uses animals to show how their life can be just like ours and they too think alike.
ReplyDeleteThe story "The Crow and The Pitcher" connects to my life because I too work hard to get what is necessary for my well-being. The crow managed to quench his thirst because of his hard work. The moral of the story is work hard for what you need.
Edgardo Gonzalez
ReplyDeleteWalter Gonzalez,
ReplyDeleteI think he uses animals in the story to explain and tell how us the people act like. He also uses the animals to show how they are just like us in some ways.
The story "The Dove and the Ant" connects to my life because sometimes when i am in need a friend helps me, so when a friend is in need for any kind of help; I help them just like they helped me before. The moral of this story is when someone helps you in somethin you should help them back when they need help.
Gabby Salvador
ReplyDeleteI think Aesop uses animal's in many of his stories to compare an animal's life to a human's.
The moral of the story "The Dove and The Ant" is that if you see or know of someone that needs help you should help them. This story connects to my life because i would help someone if their in danger if i want them to do the same to me.
I think Aesop wrote stories with animals as characters to put our reality into some other reality related to us.
ReplyDeleteThe story relates to me because i know many people with frenimies that are like the dog and the hare when the dog "plays" around with the hare.
- Kaycie Willard
shahi settles-reynolds
ReplyDeleteI think he used animals in many of his stories because anmials see the world and live in the world differ from humans.He wanted to tell there side of each story and not just the humans side.
I can relate to these stories by saying i've be in similars situations. And these stories talk about thing i was feelin wen dealing with my situation.
Marcus Kittlesen
ReplyDeleteAesop uses animals in the stories because animals and people act similar so he is making a connection between us. The Crow and the Pitcher connects to my life to show if I persevere I can accomplish anything.
Christina Sutton
ReplyDeleteIn the dog and the hair, the dog was biting the hair, and the hair said basically that the hound should show his true colors, kill her or beher friend. This connects to my life because there are many people who will pretend to be your friend but thet are not true friends. And i think most of the stories have animals in them to show what we do, but not direct all the atention twords humans, and to make us think about what he is saying and to follow the morol of the story.
Phuong Tran
ReplyDeleteAesop used animals in his fables so people don't relate to the characters. For example in the dog and the hare the dog was being a backstabbing friend. If he used humans people who read the story would relate to the story and make them feel sad. By using the animals he can still teach the lesson without hurting peoples feelings.
The story relate to my life because alot of people especially in middle school act fake and don't really show their true colors like the dog does to the hare, so I can sorta relate to the hare. The moral is that many people aren't really your friends even though they act like it.
Aesop uses animals in his stories because it is easier to show the point/moral of the story in something that is not human because he uses characteristics of a human, but it is in an animal form. This relates to my life because people are not who they really are inside of them, just like the dog to the hare.
ReplyDeleteNash Persaud
Aesop uses animals to indirectly state problems humans have in their own lifes and to make readers think about a deeper conection between themselfs and the world around them
ReplyDeleteThe dove and the ant story connects to my life the most because it is an example something/someone helping someone and they repay the favor people in middle school dont always think this way but most of the time you can see that the people that always say no when people ask for help with homework or papper or a pencil normally dont get the help they need when they dont have materials or need help with homework
Ravendra Nand
ReplyDeleteAesop uses animals in many of his stories because,he wanted to animals, and the action of the animals to us, humans.
The story " The Dove and The Ant" relate to my life because the Dove help the Ant, and then later The Ant did the same for the Dove.The Ant help the Dove. Thats the same thing that happens in my life.Help each other out and do the same or get the same in return.
The Dog and the Hare
ReplyDeleteI think Aesop uses animals because, if he used people they would have a different look on the subject and suspect something. Also the animals tell a situation in common with humans.
This story has things in common with my life because, there are people who communicate with me by being nice and showing respect but, out of no where that person will treat you differently. That would make me second guess the friendship just like the hare and the dog.
Kimberly Jones,
ReplyDelete-Aesop uses animals so he so he could demonstrate how some people act in a different way instead of using people so people wouldn't get bored while reading the stories.
-I can connect to the story of he ant and the dove because my life is all about ups and downs and a whole lot of people help me and later I can help them too. The moral if this story is that people can help you but in return later in life. Liike how the dove helped the ant and in return the ant helped the dove.
ReplyDeleteThe Crow and the Pitcher
1.I think he used animals because he wanted to show problems in human lives, but with animals, in animal situations. He wanted the point to be more obvious, because, frankly humans are overly dramatic..
2.I can connect to this story because sometimes you can try and try again, but you really need to try a different approach. The crow tried and tried to get it out, but the dropping pebbles in was too .... different to occur to it immediately. Sometimes a different approach is all you need.
Chiamaka Ofulue
ReplyDeleteI think Aesop uses animals so much in his poems because he is trying to describe and demonstrate that animals act like people in many ways. This story connects to my life by showing me that people and animals can have similar qualities when they are around someone they dont know. The moral of the story is that you can show someone or something respect and disrespect at the same time or be their friend but sn enemy
The Hound and the Hare
ReplyDelete-I think Aesop uses animals because they are easy to relate to. And they demonstrate how people can act sometimes.
-The story can connect to my life because sometimes people can act like they are my friends and then other times its the opposite. And that's acting like the hound and I'm the hare. The moral of the story is act yourself around people you want to be friends with and people you don't want to be friends with. Don't be "shady" about it.
jovon durham
ReplyDeletehe uses animals to replace humans since aninals don't behave this way. it connects by showing me how to be a friend and to not be mean to other people. for ant and dove the moral is how you try to help a friend. the moral for the dog and hare is to treat people with respect.
I think the uses animals in his stories because they can easily relate t humans in many ways. The story "The Dove and the Ant" connects to my life because if I'm having trouble doing something, and someone else helps me, when they need help doing something, i will help them because they helped me first. In the story, the ant decided to help the dove because to dove helped him first and even ended up saving his life. The moral is to treat other people how you would want to be treated.
ReplyDeleteI think he uses the anilmals because he is using the animals to compare to human's issues.It connects because when you need something to drink and you really need it you would figure out a way to get it
ReplyDeletemaurica manyan
ReplyDeleteI think he uses animals so that he can compare it 2 human ways without using humans like every1 else . I can connc my life 2 the crow and the pitcher because whenver I want somehtign i work hard to get it . The moral of that story was try andtry until you succed .
DAvid REichard
ReplyDeleteCrow and the Pitcher
I think Aesop uses animals because their characteristics can be matched to certain human characteristics. The story the Crow and the Pitcher connects to my life because I have had to use common sense and knowledge to figure out and solve problems in life.
The Crow and the Pitcher
ReplyDeleteI learned that the crow symbolizes people who never give up to pursue there dreams or wants in life. The crow is helpless and cannot get to the water unless it takes a try to get to the water, in the end, the crow gets what it wants and I would say the moral is hardwork pays off.
1 to show how are tendencies are very similar like if your really thirsty and you find a well your going to do whatever means necessary to get the water
ReplyDelete2. like the crow I have to work hard to get what I want
HE uses animals to compare humans to animals' charachteristics.
ReplyDeleteIn my life i see some weird people acting to their children as if they are their pets making them see or react with them and i just think its mean, i dont know. this is how i connect with it.
krunal patel
ReplyDeletehe use animalls because he like animals or some people act like animals.some people like animals so much so he make the ston of it.
The Miser
ReplyDeleteI think that the author is trying to say that if you have something of value and you don’t use it then it will go to waste. For example, if someone has a talent playing soccer and they practice hard and train and then just decide to quit, that would be a waste of a talent. This fable compares to the Bible parable of the three servants and the talents. Two of the servants went out and invested to increase their master’s fortune. However, the third servant was scared so he buried his talent and it hadn’t gained any value when his master came back. I think animals are commonly used in Aesop’s Fables because they can illustrate situations that we can learn from even though we are not animals. Using animals is great a way to keep the reader into the story. Animals are also commonly used because the author wouldn’t want the reader to feel insulted if they found themselves in the same situation as the characters in the story.
Julian Blackwell