Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Speech by Parson Martin Niemoller

The Nazis came first for the Communists.
But I wasn't a Communist,
so I didn't speak up.
Then they came for the Jews,
but I wasn't a Jew,
so I didn't speak up.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
but I wasn't a unionist
so I didn't speak up.
Then they came for the Catholics,
but I was a Protestant
so I didn't speak up
Then they came for me.
By that time there was no one left.

What is the author of this poem saying?


  1. Mary Wester

    I think the author is trying to say that Nazis were coming for everybody. They killed all of these different groups of people, and by the time they came for the author of the poem, everyone else was dead. Not only that, but the author says that they didn't speak up when they other groups were being killed. This shows that the people who were not in those groups (the groups being the Communists, the Jews, the trade unionists, and the Catholics) didn't do anything about the killing, they didn't try to stop it until it was too late.

  2. Petra Sawyer

    The author is saying that it was to late to save anyone else when help finally came.The Nazi discreminated everyone they thought was a threat.When the Nazi came for the author they(Nazi) had been stopped.

  3. The author is saying that everyone ends up dying because no one spoke up for each other. If everyone would've stood up or spoken up for each other things would've been different. They still ended up killing everybody, the cause being that no one spoke up.

  4. I think that the author is saying that when the Nazis went to kill different groups of races and religon, the autor wasn't in that particular race or religon, so they didn't speak up to help. But when the Nazis came for the author, there were no other people left to help the author because they were all either dead, slaves, or prisonars.

  5. Julian Blackwell

    The author is trying to say that he did not bother to interfere with the Nazi's evil plans or stand up to them until the conflict affected him. Then, when the Nazis came for him there was no one to stand up against the Nazi's with him because he didn't for anyone else.The author wants to inspire the reader to take action and not repeat the author's mistakes.

  6. The author is trying to say he really wanted to kill everyone because that's what he ended up doing. Also that since no one spoke up at the time everyone ended up getting killed. If people spoke up one by one they could've gotten killed but if they teamed up then they would've actually been able to do something.

  7. The author is trying to say that the Nazi's killed many, many people. And the author was telling the order the Nazi killed.

  8. The author is trying to say that he waited to long to tell anyone about the problems going on with the killings by the Nazi's, or religions because, he didn't speak up for himself or the people along with him.

  9. I think the author is trying to say that since no one spoke up for each other it allows the nazis to do wrong. So when he got taken away no one spoke up for him and it was too late to save himself. He wants people to speak up for each other.

  10. Natalia Duran

    I think the author of this poem is trying to say that the nazis killed people regardless of there religion,beliefs,or nationaity.No one spoke up for there rights and by the time they did,it was to late the nazis had done to much damage.

  11. that when you realize that a political party or someone is after you, you should prpare for the worst or start to hid ffrom them just incase.

  12. Shahi Settles Reynolds

    The author is trying to say that you should stand up for what you belive while you have time.The uses the holocaust for an exsmaple.No one stood up for Catholics,Jews,Communist,trade unionists so the nazi were allowed to kill with no reprecuation. If someone would have stood up for them there could have been a different outcome for history. So the author is trying to say stand up for whats right while you have time.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The author is trying to say that after all the people the nazi's killed, no one is standing up for them selves. By the time they tried to it was wayy to late so they got killed. So the point thats trying to be given is to stand up for yourself or bad things will happen.

  15. The author is trying to say that since nobody spoke up everybody died and the speaker did not say anything because it was not him that was in trouble but it was other people that was in trouble so the speaker did not care until it was time for his or her turn.

  16. Chanel Person.
    The author is trying to say that since he wasn't a part of these particular groups, which included the Communists, the Jews, the trade unionists, and the Catholics, then there was no reason for him to speak up. I think the author was afraid of being killed. Once everyone in those groups were killed, the author was the only on left and that's who the Nazis wanted to kill next. There was no use in the author trying to speak up now because he's the only person left and no one could help him because they would all be dead.

  17. Ricardo Rivera

    the author is saying if something really bad is happening you should say something to stop it before it is to late

  18. Christina Sutton

    The author was saying that the Nazis were killing everyone, just about every race or relligion.

  19. I Think That the authour is trying to say is that when all the other people got killed because they spoke up and when help came everybody came they were all dead

  20. I think the author is trying to say that you should speak when you get the chance because he says when the nazis came for everyone but him he didnt speak up and now that the nazis came for him he has no one or no where to run to which probably would have been different if he said something in the beginning

  21. I think the author is saying that the nazis were so self centered that when they came for the other religions that they didnt spare any they wanted to be the only group of religion

  22. I think the author is trying to say that the Nazi's only cared about themsleves and didn't respect any other religion and killed everybody

    Brittany Moore

  23. I think the author is saying that even though he was none of those things, the Nazi's came after him. No matter what race, religion, or person he was.

    Lexy Nolasco.

  24. The author is trying to say that the Nazis came for everyone and started to kill them and by the end nazis had killed alot of people

  25. The author is trying to say that the Nazis came to kill every group of people. At the end they killed a lot of people.

  26. i think the author is trying to say that he waited to long to speak up so when he needed help there was no one there to help him

  27. The author is trying to say that the bad people came for all the types of groups and he never spoke up, so by the time it came to him it was to late to do anything.

  28. The author is saying saying that during the time of warning they were not going to safe places. But when the time came "no one was left" so no one could help them

  29. I Think the Author is saying that the Nazis were comign to Kill everyone , & they were going to get the Author at one point its basicly sayign that We have to defend our selfs On time, & Not let anyone kill us . The Other Different groups didnt Protest Until it was to late .
    - Katherine M Cortez

  30. The auothor was trying to say that the person that was in the story wasnt helping any groups. So when the Nazi's came again it was only him and he was tookin away.

    Richard Ayodele

  31. The author is trying to say that the Naziscome for all of these groups of people, such as the Communists, the Jew, and etc., but the character in the story isn't a part of any group described in the story. The person doesn't speak up for anything, until it is too late for the character to speak up.

  32. The author tried to tell that Nazi's killed a lot of people for no reason

  33. The author is trying to say, when you don't stand up for other people when their timje comes, they will all be dead and nobody will be there to help you when your time comes.

  34. i think the author was trying to say that the killed so many people that there was no one left to kill not even himself.i also think he was saying that the number of death made was great that who else was left to kill there was no one because they singled out everyone and soon after the were all mostly gone.

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